Configuration file
The QbRpmBuilder setup creates a configuration file called '/etc/QbRpmBuilder/QbRpmBuilder.conf'
This file contains the default values used to generate RPM packages with QbRpmBuilder
These values will be overwritten by:
- the content of the 'control' file
- the content of the 'changelog' file
- the environment variables RPMBUILD_xxx (for example RPMBUILD_LICENSE, RPMBUILD_GROUP, ...)
- this file has the lowest priority, environment variables have the highest priority.
- fields names are NOT case sensitives.
Group=Applications/System License=Proprietary BuildRoot=%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) # Other fields #Name= #Version= #Release= #Summary= #Copyright= #Vendor= #URL= #Source0=package.tgz #NoSource=0 #Patch0= #BuildArch= #ExcludeArch= #BuildRequires= #Requires= #Conflicts= #Provides=